Abra in Colours

The Tingguians, Bamboos, and the Art of Dyeing

Abra in Colours

” Abra in Colours ” is an article written about a trip to Abra sometime in 2013, capturing some of the best traditional works from the upland, from dyeing, weaving, to bamboo crafts making. The author explores the old practices of the Tingguians in the art of coloring textiles using natural pigments found around them, as well as the products made from bamboo from yet another village. Having been handed down from generations, these practices are still alive today in the province.

Norma Agaid Tingguian Weaver and natural dye maker
Abra traditional works Colours of Abra
Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero

Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero

Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero blogs as The Bern Traveler.

He speaks fluently the languages of traveling, culture, and history. Enjoys looking at forgotten architecture, spaces and relics, and getting to know the people of the world.

Occasionally delivers talks about heritage sites and tourism, and never ceases to love food and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Holds two degrees from UP Diliman that are totally unrelated to those mentioned above.

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namarabar natural dye makers of abra. abra in colours

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Natural dye makers of abra . abra in colours

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